Vol. 22 No. 2 (2024): Between Algorithms and Datafication. Challenges for the Construction of a Democratic and Transformative Educational System in the Digital Society

Datafication in Educational Contexts. Between Subjectivation and Ethics

Diego Fernando Barragán-Giraldo
Johann Enrique Pirela-Morillo
John Agustin Riaño Diaz
Published April 7, 2024


Learning, Datification, Education, Subjectification, Ethics
How to Cite
Barragán-Giraldo, D. F. ., Pirela-Morillo, J. E. ., & Riaño Diaz, J. A. (2024). Datafication in Educational Contexts. Between Subjectivation and Ethics. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 22(2), 119–132. https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2024.22.2.007


The aim of this article is to analyze the potentialities and implications of datification in educational contexts, overcoming the excessive optimism that has predominated in the analysis of this topic, to give way to a critical and reflective look that not only considers the benefits and possibilities, but also the tensions and controversies, from a philosophical and ethical point of view. For this purpose, a Systematic Literature Review is carried out, considering three data sources: Science Direct, Taylor & Francis and Wiley. The results allow grouping the scientific production of this field in three essential areas, which translate into approaches for understanding the potentialities of datification: controversies and tensions generated by datification in society and education; governance and regulations on the use of data and data literacy for its responsible and critical use. The conclusions aim at assuming an integrative and critical approach to the analysis of datification, highlighting the potentiality, but considering nuances that emphasize the subjectivation and ethics of data, which provides a reflective perspective to understand the dimensions of the datified society and its impact on education.


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