Vol. 22 No. 2 (2024): Between Algorithms and Datafication. Challenges for the Construction of a Democratic and Transformative Educational System in the Digital Society

Commercial or Pedagogical Interest? The Big Tech Educational Platforms and the Free Development in Childhood

Gustavo Herrera-Urizar
Mercedes Blanco-Navarro
Paula Lozano-Mulet
Pablo Neut-Aguayo
Published April 7, 2024


Big tech, Digital platforms, Education, Childhood, Development
How to Cite
Herrera-Urizar, G., Blanco-Navarro, M., Lozano-Mulet, P., & Neut-Aguayo, P. (2024). Commercial or Pedagogical Interest? The Big Tech Educational Platforms and the Free Development in Childhood. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 22(2), 67–84. https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2024.22.2.004


The aim of this article is to analyze the services and privacy policies declared by technology corporations (big tech) around their educational platforms and to consider their potential impact on the protection to free development of children in the Spanish educational system. In this direction, a content analysis of the main instruments and regulations published by the companies and a discourse analysis of interviews conducted with their representatives were carried out. The results show that the process of educational platforming, which in Spain has been hegemonized by big tech, participates in a “philanthrocapitalist” discursivity that legitimizes the intrusion of corporations in the educational field. Likewise, that this way of platforming entails a series of risks and difficulties to enshrine the free development in childhood in the educational system. These include the possibility of commercial use of data collected in establishments, the lack of comprehensive digital literacy and the lack of accountability of big tech with respect to both phenomena.


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