Vol. 22 No. 1 (2024)

Students and University: Elements for Reflecting on Participation, Satisfaction and Motivation

Alejandra Montané-López
Juan Llanes-Ordóñez
Jorge Luis Méndez-Ulrich
Antonio Ruiz-Bueno
Published December 20, 2023


Motivation, Participation, Satisfaction, Higher education, Engagement
How to Cite
Montané-López, A., Llanes-Ordóñez, J., Méndez-Ulrich, J. L., & Ruiz-Bueno, A. (2023). Students and University: Elements for Reflecting on Participation, Satisfaction and Motivation. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 22(1), 103–120. https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2024.22.1.006


This study aimed to analyse the relationship between university participation, motivation and satisfaction in students of Education Sciences as relevant factors of academic engagement and to identify predictors of student participation. The sample consisted of 13,939 students from 21 European and Latin American universities. The methodology was quantitative, using the questionnaire technique for data collection. Several sub-samples were used in each phase: 1) generation of a student participation index, 2) characterisation of student participation profiles, and 3) correlational and logistic regression analyses to determine the relationship between study variables and to identify predictors of participation. The results suggested a clear differentiation between students who participated in university-sponsored activities and those who did not. While social participation is part of university student participation, the key elements were university participation, student satisfaction and study expectations. Finally, the appropriateness of the instrument used is discussed, as well as the need to explore further the differential academic profiles and the various types of participation linked to motivation and satisfaction


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