Comparative Sociology of Education: Contributions from Pierre Bourdieu´s Perspective
Policy, Education, Bourdieu, Academic capital, ContextThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Although there are numerous publications that carry out comparative studies in education, it is not so frequent to find second-order reflections that support and critically question the real possibility of comparing education systems that are distant from one another, whether in geo-political space or in time, or even the changes in education systems in the same country throughout its recent history. In this article we propose to contribute to this debate on the sociology of comparative education from the theoretical framework of Pierre Bourdieu.
The article is structured in a first moment, where we carry out a reconstruction of the antecedents of the comparative education as a disciplinary area in development, and a second moment, that presents the categories and fundamental reflections that the perspective of Pierre Bourdieu can contribute to this discussion. In the first moment, we present a logical and historical sequence of the studies of comparative education and in the second moment, we present the main contributions related to the concepts of school capital, field, strategies and habitus.
Finally, it seeks to provide practical elements for a critical reading of the studies of comparative education and to contribute critical methodological tools from the structural constructivism of Pierre Bourdieu.
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