Vol. 21 No. 3 (2023)

Experiência Gamificada na Aula Remota de Matemática com a Plataforma Quizizz

Raimundo José Ribeiro Filho
José Paulo Cravino
J. Bernardino Lopes
Published June 28, 2023


Quizizz, Gamified experience, Platform, Remote class, Formative assessment
How to Cite
Ribeiro Filho, R. J., Cravino, J. P., & Lopes, J. B. (2023). Experiência Gamificada na Aula Remota de Matemática com a Plataforma Quizizz. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 21(3), 23–39. https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2023.21.3.002


Faced with a new reality of remote classes, teachers are increasingly looking to use active methodologies, such as gamification, to make their remote classes more attractive and more participatory. In this scenario, the use of open educational resources to support teaching and learning is growing, with several options to enrich this online interaction. The research took place during remote mathematics classes with students from a Brazilian public school, through the gamified platform Quizizz, using formative assessments to review the contents of functions. The methodology used had a mixed approach, through Design-Based Research, in three phases, with two iterations performed. In order to contribute to the teacher to provide a gamified experience in remote classes, a guide to explore the open educational resource Quizizz was developed. Among the results found, 89.1% of students said they participate in classes when they have a gamified activity and 93.5% of students are motivated to carry out their activities on the Quizizz platform. Teachers can benefit from this more dynamic and fun Quizizz format to create a gamified experience through formative assessment, with the potential to increase school engagement and performance.


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