Vol. 15 No. 4 (2017)

Home Education Policies in Puerto Rico: Towards the Uniformity of Management Processes

Published October 1, 2017


Leadership, Managers, Education, Basic education, Educational policy.
How to Cite
García Bonilla, G. L. (2017). Home Education Policies in Puerto Rico: Towards the Uniformity of Management Processes. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 15(4). https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2017.15.4.006


In recent years, Puerto Rican education has evolved and with this the home education modality has taken hold. The purpose of this research is to determine the administrative and management policies that govern the organizations that bring together the families that educate their children at home in Puerto Rico. The research used a qualitative focus, ethnographic, and case study approach. For the same participated seven managers and sixteen household. The data were collected through two interview instruments designed by the researcher; one for managers and the other for administrators of the household. The sociodemographic information was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The triangulation technique was used to determine the divergence and convergence of the data collected. It was found that families that practice home-schooling in Puerto Rico have a varied profile (academic, religious and socioeconomic), mothers are dedicated to teaching at home and use various teaching methodologies to educate their children at home. According to the results, it was concluded that there is no uniformity in the administrative and management policies of Home Education Organizations, the curriculum is attractive and flexible; individuality, moral and religious values have created that this modality is adopted by many Puerto Rican families.


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