Vol. 15 No. 4 (2017)

Incorporation of the Contemplative Orientation in the Educational Practice of the 21st Century

Published October 1, 2017


Educational alternatives, Teaching practice, Moral concepts, Educational counselling, Refresher courses.
How to Cite
Leria, F. J. (2017). Incorporation of the Contemplative Orientation in the Educational Practice of the 21st Century. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 15(4). https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2017.15.4.004


The contemplative orientation in teaching and learning is proposed as a theoretical and practical approach in response to the need to promote the integral development of the student beyond the emphasis on the processes of conceptual acquisition and / or mastery of functional competences. The contemplative orientation in teaching and learning is proposed as a theoretical and practical approach in response to the need of promoting the integral development of the student beyond the emphasis on the processes of conceptual acquisition and mastery of functional competences. Named in the educational field as Contemplative Education, a descriptive-theoretical research is presented with a brief exposition of the contexts that have made possible its incorporation and validation in the current pedagogical practice: 1) the empirical evidence that supports it; 2) the role of socio-affective skills and the role of contemplative practices for their development; 3) the need for integrality of the contemporary curriculum; 4) the educational inclusion; And, 5) the ancestral traditions and their contributions to contemporary social practices. The contemplative orientation is concluded within current trends for the enrichment of the educational experience and revival of the dimension of Being in education, as a primary condition to the act of knowing. 


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