Vol. 15 No. 2 (2017)

Measuring Generic Competences in College Students. Psychometric Properties of the Generic Competences Questionnaire

Published April 1, 2017


Student evaluation, Skills development, Testing, University education.
How to Cite
Aguado, D., González, A., Antúnez, M., & de Dios, T. (2017). Measuring Generic Competences in College Students. Psychometric Properties of the Generic Competences Questionnaire. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 15(2). https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2017.15.2.007


In this paper is presented the development of the Students’ Generic Competences Questionnaire, as well as its initial metric properties. The questionnaire is based on the competencies identified by the Tuning project within the EEES frame. Standard Behavioral Observation Scales are used to develop it. In a first study (N = 741) is set to test the reliability of the measurements obtained, its content validity and dimensional structure. The results show that the scales making up the questionnaire have adequate reliability and high rates of consistency, and dimensional structure model seems to reproduce the starting model. In a second study (N = 46) the criterion validity of the questionnaire versus academic results is explored. The results show that different competencies assessed by the questionnaire correlated significantly with the results obtained by students in an objective knowledge test and continuous assessment indicators. These skills significantly increase the explained variance in academic qualifications by the personality and intelligence. Together this data allows us to guarantee the reliability and validity of measurements obtained with the questionnaire. 


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