Quality, Effectiveness, Change, Improvement, Equity, Innovation,Copyright (c) 2016 REICE. Iberoamerican Journal on Quality Effectiveness and Educational Change

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The article approaches the educative exclusion, remarking the education’s clear limitations to face the exclusion and surpass the denominated “vicious circle of poverty”, whose challenge is bigger nowadays.
Accents the following as associated expressions of poverty: the illiteracy, the opportunities of study and exclusion according to access, permanence and efficiency; the inequalities on the educative systems; and the precarious conditions of the educator’s familiar and professional life.
Based on the author’s working experience, some hints are given to strategically face the growing poverty with policies where education may play a determinant roll. Remarks are made with an explicit reference to different latino-american cases. Integral attention to the children’s population, the attention to teenagers and youngster on poverty, the educative attention to the mothers on poverty situations, the option for policies thought on the medium and long term, as well as the indispensable condition, to obtain more financial resources.
The complexity of the problem originated from the exclusion and the politic decisions is explicit on the article while it pays careful attention on the following situations: the inadequate redistribution ( Chile and Honduras’ cases), and the insufficiency of national averages while trying to hide internal differences ( Brazil and Mexico’s cases).