Quality, Effectiveness, Change, Improvement, Equity, Innovation.Copyright (c) 2016 REICE. Iberoamerican Journal on Quality Effectiveness and Educational Change
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In this work we are raising a challenge not less to the education: citizens qualify to live and help to install a deliberative democracy. We Will Begin, at first, answering what does make the democracy valuable? Our response is that the intrinsic value of the democracy takes root precisely in the level of participation of citizens as beings deliberants and active.
We will clarify what we understand for deliberative democracy across certain operational indicators. Finally we analyze the role that the education has to play in the formation(training) of deliberant subjects. We will refer, first, to the curriculum (explicit and secret) and to the deliberative pedagogy that is nourished of the critical pedagogy.
Keywords: Deliberative democracy, curriculum for the deliberation, critical pedagogy.
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