The Participation of the Teaching Staff in a Process of Improvement within the Framework of “A School for All”
Cooperative learning, attention to diversity, educative change, inclusive school, discussion groups, participationCopyright (c) 2023 REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación
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The present work shows the process carried out in two years (2007-2009), within the framework of a project of collaboration between an educative center of Infantile and Primary Education and the Department of Didactics of the University of Alcala, with the purpose to encourage the participation of the School Community, especially the teaching staff, in an internal process of improvement of the educative quality. The strategies of educative change, on this case, are based on self-evaluation, reflection and commitment of the teaching staff in relation to a series of organized and methodological measures directed to create the bases of an inclusive school. The proposal of improvement is shaped through two different phases and the results of it are detailed in this article; the first based in an analysis of collective teaching practice as starter for reflection by means of discussion groups with teachers, and understanding the analysis of the practice as a formation method of the teaching staff; from this first stage, are extracted a series of measures to improve the educative quality keeping in mind the idea of Education for All as the base. Those measures will be put into practice in the second part of the project.
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