Vol. 11 No. 1 (2013)

Glance of a Professional Profile in Special Education in the Context of the Complexit

Published January 7, 2016


Special education, teacher educators, employers, professional profile, conceptual, procedural and attitudinal knowledge
How to Cite
Herrera Castro, A. I., Segura Esquivel, ylvia, Ruiz Guevara, L. S., Hernández Segura, A. M., León Arce, H., & Chaves Álvarez, A. L. (2016). Glance of a Professional Profile in Special Education in the Context of the Complexit. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2013.11.1.003


This article emerges as part of the self-assessment process in the framework of the second re-accreditation of the career of Especial Education with emphasis on Integration (CEEI), the Division of Basic Education (DEB), and the Center for Research and Teaching of Education (CIDE), of the National University of Costa Rica, for the National System of Accreditation for Higher Education (SINAES), in the year 2011. It has as an objective, to inform from the perspective of the teacher educators and employees graduated from the career, the valuation of the conceptual, procedural, and attitudinal knowledge for the output profile of the study plan. The methodology used at the time of this study was attended by a total of 15 trainers of the CEEI, who worked in the period 2006-2010, further; we had the collaboration of 27 employers and used to both actors a structured questionnaire with closed answers. Among the results, it's evident certain dissent between the valuation of both participants, element which counterproductively shows the necessity to propitiate intentional convergent spaces, in order to have a greater relevance of the curriculum. On the other hand, it determines the necessity of having conceptual and methodological clarity of the curricular tendency of the study plan by the academics team to promote greater coherence between the approach and execution, In addition to viewing critical positions and transformative in the diverse context, changing, uncertain and complex as the current socio-educational realities require.


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