Vol. 12 No. 2 (2014)

Evaluation of the Portuguese Program’s Implementation on Sintra’s High Schools

Published January 1, 2016


Dimension of the curriculum, Curricular deliberation, Paradigms of teaching learning, Planning.
How to Cite
Coelho, M. da C., & Sola Martinez, T. (2016). Evaluation of the Portuguese Program’s Implementation on Sintra’s High Schools. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 12(2). https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2014.12.2.003


The curricular reform had its origin in the process Engaged Revision of the Curriculum - Secondary Workshops, which started in 1997. Political-administrative, conceptual changes, at the level of the curriculum, through new teaching syllabuses, have been discussed and implemented for several years and within different initiatives. Assuming that the changes in the official speech don’t determine alterations in the teachers’ conceptions and practices, you try to conclude the teachers’ engagement in the curricular reorganisation in the area of the subject of Portuguese, verifying the level and the way of appropriation of the curricular intentions outlined in the syllabus and the underlying paradigms of teaching-learning. The study of descriptive and interpretative nature, conducted in schools in the municipality of Sintra, used quantitative and qualitative methodologies and tools to ensure the reliability of the results. The comparison between the entitled dimension of the curriculum and the descriptive dimension of teaching practice allowed to conclude that the curricula is a dynamic reality which suffers several processes ofdeliberation in its implementation. 


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