Vol. 13 No. 2 (2015)

How to Improve the Adoption of Theoretical Contents by University Students? An Application of One Minute Paper in Accounting

Published December 28, 2015


One minute paper, Accounting, Assessment, Teaching strategy, University. 
How to Cite
Vivel-Búa, M., Fernández-López, S., Lado-Sestayo, R., & Otero-González, L. (2015). How to Improve the Adoption of Theoretical Contents by University Students? An Application of One Minute Paper in Accounting. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 13(2). https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2015.13.2.004


The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) promotes the application of new teaching techniques for meaningful student-teacher interaction, correcting problems in a timely and effective learning. This paper analyzes the technical one minute paper in a university degree, and its implications on academic performance. Facing a predominantly theoretical approach of previous literature, empirical evidence is provided using a large sample of students, constituting a teaching experience extrapolated to other universities. Overall, we obtained a high participation in this technique and there was a significant interaction in the classroom. In addition, the success rate on the exam was higher among students who participated mostly in one minute papers, compared to those that were evaluated only to such examination. Thus, the application of new techniques teachers contributes positively to learning, improving the academic performance and enhancing the teacher-student interaction.



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