University rankings, Classification of universities, Best universities, Teaching quality, Bibliometrics.Abstract
How to decide which university I hold graduation? Which university seems better prepared to develop this project with the government? Actions to be implemented to improve the performance of our university? College rankings emerge subsidizing information about the positioning of universities based on a set of indicators. The objective of this research is to know the international publications on the subject "university rankings" that make it possible to identify the methodological bases adopted by major existing rankings. The selection of publications was performed by the Proknow-C intervention instrument which identified that 34 articles in the databases Web of Science and Scopus aligned to the theme. Based on the analysis of the PB, it was found that the idea of university rankings dating back to 1880, although the 20 current rankings have been developed since 1983 and have several objectives such as: quality of teaching, research quality and scientific research, labor market guarantee the student, excellence in graduate programs, excellence of the university for the overall performance, the institution's visibility on the internet and others. The main criticisms are related to the objectives, indicators and the methodology used.
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