Vol. 5 No. 3 (2007): Debate: Quality Education

The Crisis of High School Institutions and School Organization: Social Transformations and Institutional Strategies in Poor Schools

Published October 16, 2018


Educative fragmentation, secondary school, underprivileged scholastic circuit, institutional management, institutional results.
How to Cite
Sendón, A. (2018). The Crisis of High School Institutions and School Organization: Social Transformations and Institutional Strategies in Poor Schools. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 5(3). https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2007.5.3.002


The present article, made from an instrumental and collective study of cases, talks about high school institutions pertaining to the school circuit that takes care of the most underprivileged population of the City of Buenos Aires. 

The main objective of the study goes to the investigation of the dynamic followed by the models of school organization that can be associated to the attainment of differentials results. In this objective are specially included questions relative to the answers that the schools put in practice at level of the institutional organization before the deep present sociocultural changes that have been characterized like processes of social and educative fragmentation. 

Through the comparison of schools similar in antiquity, size and institutional history, and dissimilar in relation to the attainment of results, have been found different models from institutional operation. Nevertheless, the importance of the conjunction of different interrelated processes stands out that they characterize the complexity of the styles of organization and the impossibility of mechanical replication to other institutions.


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