Vol. 16 No. 3 (2018)

Successful Practices of Leadership Aimed to Support the Quality of Teaching at Andalusian Public Schools. Principals' and Teachers' Perceptions

Marina García-Garnica
Universidad de Granada, España
Published June 23, 2018


Leadership, Project management, Schools, Educational quality, Teachers.
How to Cite
García-Garnica, M. (2018). Successful Practices of Leadership Aimed to Support the Quality of Teaching at Andalusian Public Schools. Principals’ and Teachers’ Perceptions. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 16(3). https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2018.16.3.008


The international educational research has confirmed that instructional leadership is a key element to improve the quality at school. Starting from this evidence, a research has been carried out to find out successful practices of instructional leadership developed by management teams in Andalusian public schools in regards to the support to teaching quality. To reach this aim a quantitative methodology has been used with the survey as a procedure and a questionnaire. The population of this research are teachers and management teams who work in Ansalusian public schools. The results obtained let us confirm that management teams develop these practices in a high degree, except those related to supervision duties, revision of schedules and granting incentives for effective work. However, this population considers that carrying out this set of practices would be very important and desirable. Comparing the opinion of the two populations participating in the research, it can be concluded that the perception of what happens in the school in regards to the leadership practices and the perception of desirability is significantly higher for the members of management teams.


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