Students, University, Career development, Academic achievement, Schools.Abstract
The process of training the university student is composed of the transmission of academic content using methodological strategies of different kinds. To get it, it must raise the development of emotional skills, helping them to recognize both their emotions and motivations as those of others , facilitating the ability to communicate and listen, adapting to the environment in order to react appropriately to different situations. Mindfulness programs aim to reduce emotional fatigue, promoting the learning of effective techniques of stress management and emotional regulation skills, factors necessary for a proper teaching and learning process to occur. Our research analyze the evolution of scientific production in the Web of Science during the last ten years, classifying them according to the objective of improvement sought, the number of works according to the country of origin and the media instruments used, which address mindfulness as an influential factor in the development of the university student, confirming the need to increase research in this emerging body of study.
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