Vol. 15 No. 2 (2017)

Education for Creativity in Adolescents: An Experience with the Future Problem Solving Program International

Published April 1, 2017


Creativity, Education, Problem solving, Adolescence.
How to Cite
Azevedo, I., Morais, M. de F., & Martins, F. (2017). Education for Creativity in Adolescents: An Experience with the Future Problem Solving Program International. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 15(2). https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2017.15.2.004


The actuality highlight the importance of a purposeful education to creativity, particularly in the school context. In this context, adolescence also comes up with reinforcing specificities for such systematic education. For its part, the promotion of creative skills has been legitimized by the research. This study analyzed the effects of an intervention program internationally applied (Future Problem Solving Program International) in Portuguese adolescents. That program improves the creative problem solving skills considering global issues with a future perspective. Participants were 131 students from the Junior High School, (from 12 to 15 years old). It was considered an experimental group (N = 67) and a control one (N = 64) and both were evaluated in the pre and the posttest moments. The implementation of the program lasted seven months in extracurricular context and the evaluation used the TTCT - Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking. The results indicate gains statistically significant in the experimental group in several creative skills, in the global index of creativity, also indicating an enhancement of creative solving problem styles (innovation/adaptation). These data are discussed in the context of other studies and it is pointed future developments for this research. 


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