Vol. 15 No. 1 (2017)

Quality Management and Specific Design of the Admissions Process in the Spanish University System: Case Study of a Private University

Published January 1, 2017


Quality management, Student recruitment, Higher education, Student satisfaction,  EFQM.
How to Cite
Ortíz Lozano, J. M., & Rúa Vieites, A. (2017). Quality Management and Specific Design of the Admissions Process in the Spanish University System: Case Study of a Private University. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 15(1). https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2017.15.1.006


In the academic year 2017/18 there is an opportunity for the public Spanish universities to design specific processes of undergraduate admissions. With this aim, we have investigated whether proceeding in this direction helps to promote the quality of universities for their students. Taking as reference the structure of the efqm model, we have studied the impact on student satisfaction regarding how to determine the admission of students and improving their perception in terms of the reputation and image of the institution. Following the completion of a questionnaire on a sample of 467 students from a private university with proven experience in the specific design of the admissions process, we have obtained evidence that a specific design can promote student satisfaction as well as serve to enhance the perception in terms of reputation and the image of the university students have of it.


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