Constructivist Theory, adult learning, professional education, development managers, action learning, situated learning, critical reflection, graduate programCopyright (c) 2023 REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación
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This paper uses the constructivist premises of adult learning, collecting transposed to the organizational field, aiming to reflect on the existence and viability of a constructivist organizational learning. Thus, this study aims to: Understand how the learning process happened managers to identify which premises are constructivists are experienced in the management reality. The theoretical framework demonstrates the narrow relations between the two main streams of managerial learning (action learning and situated learning) with constructivist ideas (mainly from Dewey and Vygotsky). In the empirical part, it was conducted a qualitative study, through in-depth interviews with eight junior managers. It was possible to identify that they had used various forms of learning, but the biggest highlight was learning through action, followed by social relations. This fact corroborating finished with the main theoretical trends on managerial learning. However, it was observed that managers do not have the habit to reflect during their work and do not perceive the importance of reflection, much less use critical reflection. That is, the constructivist premises are partly used in learning management.
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