Vol. 10 No. 1 (2012)

Analysis of professional training, developed by SERVEF, Valencian Service of Employment and Training, to Labor Market from a Teaching View

Published January 16, 2016


Training for employing, SERVEF, National Vocational Qualifications, Unemploiment
How to Cite
Sola Martínez, T., Sola Reche, J. M., & Cáceres Reche, M. P. (2016). Analysis of professional training, developed by SERVEF, Valencian Service of Employment and Training, to Labor Market from a Teaching View. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 10(1). https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2012.10.1.008


This paper gathers the most relevant data obtained from a descriptive study focused on analyzing the perception of those in charge of imparting National Vocational Qualifications courses, within the Valencian context, developed by the Valencian Service of Employment and Training (SERVEF). This investigation is justified by the increasing number of unemployment in one of the most autonomous communities of Spain, as it has been the Valencian Community, dedicated to the shoe business; and determined by the acknowledgement of the possibility of finding a job in a practical manner according to the opinion of those in charge of the formation courses. To do so, a semi-structured interview has been used to explore different objectives (students’ level of satisfaction of the course, the adequacy of theoretical and contents to search for employment, etc), in order to assess the effectiveness in occupational vocational training developed on the basis of the current market demand of labour.



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