Vol. 10 No. 1 (2012)

Development of Educational Leadership. Evidence from a Study of Life Stories

Published January 16, 2016


Leadership, Life story, apprenticeship, International educational policies
How to Cite
Rodríguez Espinoza, S., Cárdenas Cofre, C., & Campos Vergara, F. (2016). Development of Educational Leadership. Evidence from a Study of Life Stories. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 10(1). https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2012.10.1.003


Evidence realize that the actions of leaders is an important variable that affects the improvement of the teaching and educational organizations. However, not much has been written about the acquisition, progression and refinement of knowledge and professional skills of principals. We developed a qualitative method, using the life story technique. Training paths were reconstructed in 4 stages: secondary education, initial training (higher education), pre-training exercise as principal, and continuing education in the role. Regarding the training instances are identified formal and informal. We identified the following learning ineducational trajectories: on communication skills and positive interpersonal relationships, role of teachers, teaching - learning, administration and management. Results reveal mainly informal instances, with observation models, and special emphasis on "observation and action. " In turn, are continuously practice debates, and experience in coordination and implementation of real projects. For paths of training, learning categories show an increasing complexity as  progress the stages of formation. Regarding the instances and methods, this study relieves participation in groups, with diverse professional and / or work experience, holding various roles. In turn, identifying the learning on the job, with the development of work and group projects, and periodic evaluations and monitoring.



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