The Professor of Mathematics Education and Creativity of Students from Early Childhood
Creativity, mathematics, mathematical literacyCopyright (c) 2016 REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación
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With this work we try to analyze the importance of mathematical Childhood Education Teacher in order to foster creativity in Mathematics, its students, from the earliest ages. This will begin signaling when education can be considered creative. It argues the importance of a teacher has a good background in mathematics to teach children from kindergarten, some concepts of the discipline. We study the relationship that may exist between the mathematical training of Professor and creativity that is able to transmit to their students, and use the same, trying to rediscover some mathematical concepts. It concludes by analyzing the importance of mathematical training of Professor of Early Childhood Education for use fluently creative methodology techniques with children in Math.
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