Vol. 11 No. 1 (2013)

Interdependence Between Transformational Leadership, Organizational Culture and Educational Change: A Reflection

Published January 7, 2016


Transformational leadership, Organizational culture, Educational change
How to Cite
Vázquez Alatorre, A. (2016). Interdependence Between Transformational Leadership, Organizational Culture and Educational Change: A Reflection. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2013.11.1.005


This article presents a review of the literature about transformational leadership, organizational culture and educational change. Thereafter, there is a reflection on the relationship between these three elements and the potential interdependence existing at the school environment. To do this, in the first section there is a summary of the classical theories that contributed to build the concept of transformational leadership and the process followed to consolidate it, through which emphasis is made on the key elements of this type of leader and its differences with the transaction. The second section discusses the transformational leader's role in the organizational context in an environment of educational change. In it, highlights are on the role of transformational leader in educational institutions and it is linked to organizational culture as a contextual element, eventually in interdependence with this type of leadership. Finally, there is a reflection about the state of the art of the relationship between the three constructs presented and some suggestions of potential lines of research that can contribute to understand the complexity of the relationship between them.


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