Vol. 11 No. 2 (2013): Special 10 Years of REICE

Inclusive Research in Difficult Times. Provisional Certainties and Pending Debates

Published January 7, 2016


Quality, Effectiveness, Change, Improvement, Equity, Innovation
How to Cite
Susinos, T., & Parrilla, A. (2016). Inclusive Research in Difficult Times. Provisional Certainties and Pending Debates. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 11(2). https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2013.11.2.004


This paper proposes several epistemological reflections on inclusive research derived from the experience of the authors in some research projects carried out over the last few years. The debates proposed in the paper try to bring out some difficulties that should be solved in the process of building some knowledge intended to be inclusive. In particular, it presents two main arguments. First, it analyses the debates related to the possible different meanings of inclusion and exclusion as object of study and then it presents some methodological dilemmas that should be faced in inclusive research. This is organized under the premise that our choices during the research process are not indifferent or value-free, but are inevitably committed to the construction of particular discourses about the research subjects.


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