Vol. 13 No. 2 (2015)

Business Game at Management Course in Brazilian College

Published December 28, 2015


Educational technology, Computer, Learning, Cognitive style, Administrative sciences, Brazil. 
How to Cite
Pessoa Araújo, U., de Brito, M. J., Ferraz Correia, L., Dias Paiva, F., & de Oliveira Santos, A. (2015). Business Game at Management Course in Brazilian College. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 13(2). https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2015.13.2.006


The use of Business Game employing computational resources is an increasingly common practice in teaching undergraduate courses in management in Brazil. This, coupled with the specificity of the method has attracted a significant number of studies. However, research of the simulation not yet led to categorical outcomes, what triggered this investigation. We aimed to test the role of variables to this perception, from the perspective of Experiential Learning Theory and based on previous empirical evidence. To this end, we examined the statistical significance of correlations of data obtained from questionnaires and tests applied to 139 participants from five applications of a Business Game. Correlations with statistical significance were found between the temperament of the students and their perception of certain elements of the Business Game, allowing admit a slight tendency of the profile more "judgmental" perform better in the Business Game, are more critical of functioning of the group and be more satisfied with the result of the work. This would mean accepting that part of the students' reaction to the simulation is preconditioned by some internal characteristics of the individual and it deserves the attention of those responsible for discipline. 



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