Vol. 13 No. 3 (2015)

What are the Personal Metaphors that Identify Preservice Early Childhood Education Teachers?

Published December 26, 2015


Metaphors, Teacher education, Professional development, Early chilhood education. 
How to Cite
López-Luengo, M. A., Torrego-Egido, L. M., & Vallés-Rapp, C. (2015). What are the Personal Metaphors that Identify Preservice Early Childhood Education Teachers?. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 13(3). https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2015.13.3.003


This paper presents the results of a preliminary study aimed at observing the assumptions, attitudes, and feelings of students of Early Chilhood Education regarding their teaching methods. It has three goals: to determine the influence effected by their experience in the classroom during their teaching practicum, to detect the possible metaphor changes affected by the content covered in the classroom, and to discover the implicit teaching models. A transversal study was carried out with first, third and fourth year students. We use an open questionnarie about the self-image of the future teachers. The metaphors were analyzed and classified based on three criteria: grade, previous education, and the four categories used by Mellado et al. (2013). A total of 40 metaphors were found, 23 general professional self-image, and 17 for science teaching. The findings show lesser influence of the teaching practicum period than what is shown by other publications. The greatest difference was found between students in the first year and those in third and fourth year. The learning topic –science– causes a change of personal metaphor.



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