Vol. 4 No. 2 (2006): Special dedicated to Cecilia Braslavsky

The Competitions for Management and Educational Policy: A Challengue in Higher Education in Latin America

Published October 15, 2018


Educational policy, higher education, educative change, Latin America.
How to Cite
Braslavsky, C., & Acosta, F. (2018). The Competitions for Management and Educational Policy: A Challengue in Higher Education in Latin America. REICE. Ibero-American Journal on Quality, Effectiveness and Change in Education, 4(2). https://doi.org/10.15366/reice2006.4.2.002


The formation of management and educational policy constitutes one of the great problems that faces the higher education in the countries of Latin America. The changes produced in the educative systems demand transformations in the methods and the contents of the formation. The objective of this work is to move ahead in the discussion on how forming for the management and the educational policy facing century XXI in the Latin American context. This text is structure in three parts. On first, the necessity of a new type of formation for the management and the educative policy is based from the presentation of the new challenges that these must face in Latin America. Secondly, it offers a formation proposal that takes as axis to the concept from professional competition and develops the state of the debate on this notion. Finally, six keys for the formation of the competitions of the mentioned proposal set out within the framework.

Original reference:
Braslavsky, C. y Acosta, F. (2004). La formación en competencias para la gestión de la política educativa: un desafío para la educación superior en América Latina. En: Gestão em Ação, 7(2), pp. 123-141.


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