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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The file uses one of the following formats: Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect

Author Guidelines

Authors will submit their papers along with their personal data (name, surname, ORCID, institutional affiliation, e-mail and contact telephone number) to the following e-mail address:

Contributions must consist of original papers of scientific relevance that have not previously been published or are not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. The aim of the anti-plagiarism policy of the journal is to protect copyright and guarantee the originality of published texts.


The contributors are required to collaborate in the peer reviewing process as well as to take into account the indications of the referees when incorporating modifications to their papers.

The papers must comply with the editorial standards published on the website of the journal.

The journal will inform the contributors upon reception of their papers via e-mail.

There are neither submission fees, nor publication fees for this journal. Authors retain their publishing rights without restrictions.

Contributors are responsible for the originality and authorship of their manuscripts, as well as for obtaining permission to reproduce any material in which they do not own copyright.

A contributor may not publish two papers in consecutive volumes, nor more than two reviews in the same volume.

Papers and reviews will be submitted in Word format through the online system at

Tables, images and graphics will be inserted in the corresponding place within the text.

.Deadlines (Plazos)

Although the deadline for the submission of papers and reviews opens on January 1 each year and closes on September 30, due to the period scheduled for the reviewing and revision processes, the cut-off date for the current volume may vary depending on when the quota of articles and reviews is reached.

All the news that may arise with respect to deadlines will be announced in the "Avisos/Notices" section of the journal.


* Formatting and editorial norms (Formato y normas editorials)

1. Papers (Artículos)

The papers must be original and may not have been published before, nor have been sent to another journal or be pending evaluation or publication.

The papers can be written in Spanish, English, French or Portuguese, and must conform to the formatting and style requirements of the journal that can be downloaded by clicking on the following link: Plantilla artículos.

.Formatting (Formato) 

Papers will be submitted through an electronic device, in a file with the extension doc or rtf.

.Paper texts will consist in the following sections in the following order:

-Title of the paper, in Times New Roman, 16-point size, uppercase, centered, bold.

-Title translations in either one or both of the two working languages of the journal, namely Spanish and English, as appropriate, in Times New Roman, 16-point size, justified, bold.

-Author’s name and surname in Times New Roman, 12-point size, capitalized and aligned to the right,  author’s institution, in Times New Roman, 11-point size, aligned to the right, bold and italic, line spacing: 1. In the case of papers written by more than one author, the names of the authors will follow the order of signature.

-Summary of the paper in the language in which the paper is written, followed by its versions in either one or both of the two working languages of the journal, in 12-point size, aligned to the left; line spacing: 1.

-A list of five to seven key words, in the language in which the summary is written, 12-point size, justified, after each of the summaries.

-Main text:

Section headings should be in capitals and centred, subsection headings should be italicized and justified, with a single space between the number and text. It is advisable to number all the sections, with the exception -if necessary- of those corresponding to "Introduction" and "Conclusions".

The minimum length of a paper will be 4,500 words, Times New Roman, 12-point size, justified; line spacing: 1; top, bottom, left and right margins: 2.5 cm; line spacing: 1 cm, and 2 cm indentation in the first paragraph line indentation, without blanks between paragraphs.

The underline may not be used.

Page numbers will be placed at the bottom and to the right.

Figures, images and tables will be inserted in the text, with an accompanying short legend for identification. They will also be supplied in a separate file (jpg format) together with indication about the places where they should appear. Whenever possible, information should include reference to sources.

-Citation at the beginning of the text

In Times New Roman 10, simple spacing, italics and right alignment.

In-text citations

.Direct quotations (Citas textuales)

-Quotations within the text (Citas dentro del texto)

Direct quotations of less than three manuscript lines will be inserted in the text between double quotation marks, with single marks for any quotation within a quotation.

Direct quotations exceeding two manuscript lines will be set off from the text by indenting the entire quotation one stop from the left. Cases of text omission will be indicated by means of square brackets ([…]).

If the quoted extract forms a complete sentence, or ends with a complete sentence, the full stop will be inside the closing quote mark. In all other cases, the quote mark will be inside the full stop.

.Parenthetic citations in the text as well as in footnotes will be used mostly for the sake of identifying the source of a quotation, and will contain the name of the author and the date of the paper or book cited (no comma used), and if necessary the page number(s) of the quotation after a colon. For instance, (Ela 2007: 114), Ela (2007: 114) or Jean-Marc Ela (2007: 114).

When reference is made to successive pages, the numbers of the first and last pages will be separated by a short hyphen; numbers of nonconsecutive pages will be separated by commas. For instance, (Diop 1981: 150-152) or (Eboussi-Boulaga 1997: 134, 189).

Citations of texts of several authors will be separated by semicolons. For instance, (Diop, 1981: 150; Ela, 2007: 114).

Citations of several texts of a single author will be included in the same parenthesis, the surname will not be repeated and the years will be separated by semicolons. For instance, (Ela, 2003: 56; 2006; 2007: 114) or Ela (2003: 56; 2006; 2007: 114). Texts published in the same year will be distinguished by means of lowercase letters in alphabetical order after the date. For instance, (Ela, 2007a, b) or Ela (2007a, b).

The following abbreviations can also be used: op. cit., ibidem, ibid.


.Footnotes (Notas a pie de página)

Footnotes will be indicated with superscript Arabic numbers just after the term or fragment to which the note refers and always after the punctuation mark (end point, semicolon, etc.). In case a note refers to a quotation, the number will be placed behind the closing quotation mark and the punctuation mark. The font size in the footnotes will be 10 points (Times New Roman), justified and simple line spacing.


References (Bibliografía)

The references will be included at the end of the article preceded by the centered heading “References”: font size 12, in alphabetical order and French indentation. The texts cited in the paper will appear in the bibliography according to the following criteria:

.Books (Libros)

Author’s Surname(s), Name(s) (Year) Title of the book in italics, place of publication (in same language as in the book), publisher, number of edition (if available).


Fanon, Frantz (1961) Les Damnés de la terre, Paris, Maspero.

Mudimbe, V. Y. (1988) The invention of Africa. Gnosis, philosophy and the order of knowledge, Bloomington, IN, Indiana University Press.

Ela, Jean-Marc (2007) La recherche africaine face au défi de l'excellence scientifique, Paris, L'Harmattan.

Ndlovu-Gatsheni, Sabelo J. (2013) Coloniality of Power in Postcolonial Africa: Myths of Decolonization, Dakar, CODESRIA.

In case of multiple authorship, the surname will be placed before the name only in the case of the first author.


Ela, Jean-Marc & Anne-Sidonie Zoa (2006) Fécondité et migrations africaines – Les nouveaux enjeux, Paris, L'Harmattan.

Lumumba-Kasongo, Tukumbi y Joseph Gahama (2017) Peace, Security and Post-conflict Reconstruction in the Great Lakes Region of Africa, Dakar, CODESRIA.

In the case of a collective book, the following may be used: (ed.), (eds.), (coord.), (coords.), (dir.), (dirs.).


Adegoke, Bade y Adesoji Oni (eds.) (2015) Teacher Education Systems in Africa in the Digital Era, Dakar, CODESRIA.

.Book chapters (Capítulo de libro)

Author’s Surname(s), Name(s) (Year): “Title of the chapter between quotation marks”, in editor’s Name(s) and Surname(s) (ed.), Title of the book in italics, place of publication, publisher, pages (numbers indicated after “pp.”).


Tine, Antoine (2005) “Léopold Sédar Senghor et Cheikh Anta Diop face au panafricanisme”, in Thierno Bah (dir.), Intellectuels, nationalisme et idéal panafricain, Dakar, CODESRIA, pp. 129-157.


.Publications in Conference proceedings (Trabajos en actas de congresos)

Author’s Surname(s), Name(s) (Year), “Title of the paper between quotation marks”, in editor’s Name(s) Surname(s) (ed.) or (coord.) or VV. AA. (in case there is no editor of the proceedings), Title of the proceedings in italics, place of publication, publisher, pages (numbers indicated after “pp.”).



Zeleza, Paul (2006) “The Inventions of African Identities and Languages: The Discursive and Developmental Implications”, in Olaoba F. Arasanyin & Michael A. Pemberton (eds.), Selected proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, Somerville, MA, Cascadilla Proceedings Project, pp. 14-26.

.Papers (Artículos)

Author’s Surname(s), Name(s) (Year) «Title of paper between quotation marks», Title of the journal in italics, volume, issue (if applicable), pages, with numbers indicated after “pp”.


Abrahamsen, Rita (2003) “African studies and the postcolonial challenge”, African Affairs, 102, 407, pp. 189-210.

Adejunmobi, Moradewun (1999) “Routes: Language and the Identity of African Literature”, The Journal of Modern African Studies, 37, 4, pp. 581-596.


.Internet sources (Revistas y documentos en internet)

Author’s Surname(s), Name(s) (Year) «Title of paper between quotation marks». Website address: http://www....  (Accessed: date).


Neville, Alexander (2001) “Language Policy, Symbolic Power and the Democratic Responsibility of the PostApartheid University”,  D.C.S. Oosthuizen Memorial Lecture delivered at Rhodes University, October 9, 2001, in (Accessed: 4/7/2003).

Whenever possible, DOIs (and URLs) will be provided for references.

.Reviews (Reseñas)

Reviews may be written in both Spanish and English, also being accepted in French and Portuguese, and their length will be between 1200 and 2000 words. They will be submitted through an electronic device, in a file with the extension doc or rtf, with the same format as indicated for papers; 2 cm indentation in the first line and without blanks between paragraphs, simple line spacing.

Reviews will be compiled in the following order:

-Data of the reviewed book: Author’s Name(s) and Surname(s), Title of the book in italics, place of edition, publisher, year, number of pages and ISBN of the book, in Times New Roman 12, right alignment.

-Reviewer’s Name(s) and Surname(s), affiliation, in Times New Roman 12, center alignment.

-Main text.

*Evaluation (Evaluación) 

Papers that do not conform to the journal's editorial formatting and standards requirements will be returned to their authors for modification. Texts that meet the requirements related to the journal's editorial format and standards will undergo a double evaluation process. Papers will first be assessed for suitability by member of the Editorial board, after which they will be double blind peer reviewed by independent, anonymous expert referees. Authors are encouraged to include anonymous Revista de Estudios Africanos referees in the acknowledgements.

Papers and reviews with two positive reviews will be returned to the authors for possible modifications according to the indications of the referees. The authors have a maximum period of one month to return the articles, which will be included in the journal once they have been duly modified.

In case of conflicting reviews, the Editorial Committee will request the judgment of a third referee and then make a decision on the publication of the article or review. The decision of the Editorial Board will be communicated to the authors within a maximum period of ninety days from the reception of the paper.

The paper and the text in any additional files submitted for refereeing must be anonymous, which means that the (sur)name(s) and address of the author(s) should not be included in the file(s) and that, as far as possible, the author(s) should not be identifiable from the references in the text.


*Rigths and permissions (Aviso legal)

.Copyright notice (Aviso de derechos de autor/a)
The Revista de Estudios Africanos is edited by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in collaboration with the Asociación Española de Africanistas and, therefore, is closely linked to the activity of the members of these two institutions that are part of its Editorial Board.

All the contents published in the journal are protected under a “Creative Commons –Reconocimiento –No Comercial 3.0, España”, which allows free access to all of them. In any case, the exploitation of the papers, which is limited to non-commercial use, requires the recognition of their authorship as well as the safeguarding of the moral rights of the authors involved in the process of creating and editing the contents of the journal.

.Privacy statement (Declaración de privacidad)

The (sur)names and e-mail addresses registered in this journal will be used exclusively for publication purposes and will not be available for any other aim, nor will they be provided to third parties.


.Bases for the authors (Bases para los autores)

Authors should keep in mind that the submission of their work does not guarantee its publication. They should also accept the style requirements and the edition standards of the journal and, provided that the text is considered suitable for publication, they will assign the rights of exploitation thereof to the Revista de Estudios Africanos, whose contents are disseminated under a Creative Commons license.

The journal respects the moral rights of intellectual property and undertakes to value every article received according to the arbitration system. Notification will be given to the authors about the reception and evaluation of their papers. Likewise, the journal undertakes to publish in full any article that has had a positive evaluation while asserting its right to modify the typographical disposition of the paper in case of need.



The Revista de Estudios Africanos welcomes from authors or editing houses submissions of short notices of books, films and exhibitions. In general, the journal will provide a survey of recent publications and, if the Editorial Committee considers it appropriate, reviews of some of them. The books to be reviewed will be published up to two years before the date of submission, a limit that will be reduced to one year in the case of films and exhibitions

Privacy Statement

*Rigths and permissions

Copyright notice
The Revista de Estudios Africanos is edited by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in collaboration with the Asociación Española de Africanistas and, therefore, is closely linked to the activity of the members of these two institutions that are part of its Editorial Board.

All the contents published in the journal are protected under a “Creative Commons –Reconocimiento –No Comercial 3.0, España”, which allows free access to all of them. In any case, the exploitation of the papers, which is limited to non-commercial use, requires the recognition of their authorship as well as the safeguarding of the moral rights of the authors involved in the process of creating and editing the contents of the journal.


Privacy statement

The (sur)names and e-mail addresses registered in this journal will be used exclusively for publication purposes and will not be available for any other aim, nor will they be provided to third parties.


Bases for the authors

Authors should keep in mind that the submission of their work does not guarantee its publication. They should also accept the style requirements and the edition standards of the journal and, provided that the text is considered suitable for publication, they will assign the rights of exploitation thereof to the Revista de Estudios Africanos, whose contents are disseminated under a Creative Commons license.

The journal respects the moral rights of intellectual property and undertakes to value every article received according to the arbitration system. Notification will be given to the authors about the reception and evaluation of their papers. Likewise, the journal undertakes to publish in full any article that has had a positive evaluation while asserting its right to modify the typographical disposition of the paper in case of need.