Vol. 16 (2022)

Laura Ventura

Laura Ventura
Published February 20, 2023


Marta Sanz; Aleida Assmann; «memoria cultural»; pequeñas mujeres rojas.
How to Cite
Ventura, L. (2023). Laura Ventura. Philobiblion: Journal of Hispanic Literatures, 16, 199–214. https://doi.org/10.15366/philobiblion2022.16.009


Abstract: Marta Sanz builds a police and a political novel in pequeñas mujeres rojas through a female polyphonic story, where there are victims and non-traditional detectives. Based on a specific investigation – the examination and search for mass graves from the Spanish Civil War – Sanz explores different types of violence in a fiction that, at times, enters into the fantastic genre. Upon the work of a group of women, and the collection of buried or silenced testimonies, the Spanish writer dissects the need and implications of individual commitment as a way of building “cultural memory", in Aleida Assmann's terms.


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