Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (CuPAUAM) is a scientific peer-reviewed journal interested in the publication of original papers on Prehistory and Archaeology, edited by the Department of Prehistory and Archaeology of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) with an annual periodicity. It was founded in 1974 by Professor Dr. Gratiniano Nieto Gallo, then Head of the Department, and with 41 numbers yet published this journal is the oldest one on this topic amongst the universities of Madrid and of all the periodical publications of the UAM. The journal is open to any topic and period of the past (even the closest ones) that has been studied with archaeological methodology, and has a firm international projection amongst its future goals. It is for this reason that from 2013 the journal is publishing articles in Spanish, German, French, English, Italian and Portuguese, given that they are the European languages with more projection, and that inside the current European context scientific media are responsible for favoring international communication and collaboration. Contributions included in this volume have been peer-reviewed mostly by referees external to the editing institution.

Authors are obliged to present original data and results that were not copied, fabricated or falsified. Plagiarism, multiple or redundant publication and the falsification of data are serious misconducts against any ethical and scientific code. Originals yet presented to other publications or in process of acceptance would not be admitted neither, but papers that are continuation or extension of other previous ones would be accepted when they are synthetic outlines, as long as they are properly mentioned and quoted as it is the standard in the scientific community, and when it is clearly indicated which part has been yet published. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to use and reproduce any not-own copyright material (data, images or ideas) their articles could contain.




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Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (CuPAUAM) está incluida en los catálogos LATINDEX y DIALNET, en las plataformas de evaluación DICE (CSIC), RESH (CSIC), MiAR (Ub), CIRC (Ugr) y CARHUS (, así como en las bases de datos Emerging Sources Citation Index de Clarivate Analytics, Ulrichsweb de ProQuest, APH, ISOC, Regesta Imperii. Recientemente ha sido incluida en el la plataforma REDIB (Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico) y en ERIH PLUS.

CuPAUAM is included in the catalogues LATINDEX and DIALNET, in the evaluation platforms DICE (CSIC), RESCH (CSIC), MIAR (Ub), CIRC (UGr), CARHUS (Gen.Cat), and also in the data base Emerging Sources Citation Index (Thomson Reuters), ULRICHSWEB (ProQuest) APH, ISOC, Regesta Imperii, REDIB and ERIH PLUS.



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Current IssueVol 50, No 2 (2024): Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Published December 19, 2024

Published: 2024-12-19

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