Pragmatic orientation of syntax in spontaneous speech: A corpus-based comparison between Brazilian Portuguese and Italian adverbial clauses
septiembre 8, 2015
Palabras clave:
Language into Act Theory, syntax, spontaneous speech, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian
Cómo citar
Bossaglia, G. (2015). Pragmatic orientation of syntax in spontaneous speech: A corpus-based comparison between Brazilian Portuguese and Italian adverbial clauses. CHIMERA: Revista De Corpus De Lenguas Romances Y Estudios Lingüísticos, 2, 1–34.
Derechos de autor 2015 CHIMERA: Revista de Corpus de Lenguas Romances y Estudios Lingüísticos

Esta obra está bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial 4.0.
This paper reports on the syntax of finite adverbial clauses in spoken Brazilian Portuguese (BP) and Italian (IT), based on C-ORAL-BRASIL and Italian C-ORAL-ROM corpora and founded onLanguage into Act Theory (L-AcT: Cresti 2000). The analysis of adverbial clauses here is mainly focused on the syntax/pragmatics and syntax/information structure interfaces, aiming to show significant differences in the syntax of spoken versus written language.Descargas
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