Pragmatic orientation of syntax in spontaneous speech: A corpus-based comparison between Brazilian Portuguese and Italian adverbial clauses
September 8, 2015
Language into Act Theory, syntax, spontaneous speech, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian
How to Cite
Bossaglia, G. (2015). Pragmatic orientation of syntax in spontaneous speech: A corpus-based comparison between Brazilian Portuguese and Italian adverbial clauses. CHIMERA: Romance Corpora and Linguistic Studies, 2, 1–34.
Copyright (c) 2015 CHIMERA: Romance Corpora and Linguistic Studies
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
This paper reports on the syntax of finite adverbial clauses in spoken Brazilian Portuguese (BP) and Italian (IT), based on C-ORAL-BRASIL and Italian C-ORAL-ROM corpora and founded onLanguage into Act Theory (L-AcT: Cresti 2000). The analysis of adverbial clauses here is mainly focused on the syntax/pragmatics and syntax/information structure interfaces, aiming to show significant differences in the syntax of spoken versus written language.Downloads
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