Extraordinario 1 (2023) Volumen en memoria de José Portolés Lázaro

Speech and participants in communicative interaction: when the interlocutor is artificial

María Noemí Domínguez García
Universidad de Salamanca
Published December 19, 2023


conversational analysis, artifical intelligence, large languages models (LLM), ChatGPT-3, text types
How to Cite
Domínguez García, M. N. (2023). Speech and participants in communicative interaction: when the interlocutor is artificial. Biblioteca De Babel: Revista De Filología Hispánica, (Extraordinario 1), 409–431. https://doi.org/10.15366/bibliotecababel2023.extra1.017


In recent years, the proliferation of language models driven by artificial intelligence research has sparked the interest of linguists from various fields to investigate the strategies employed by these models in generating language that mimics human speech. The aim of this study is to examine the interaction with one such artificial language model, specifically ChatGPT-3. To achieve this, a corpus of six texts containing complete interactions between a human interlocutor and this language model has been analyzed. The texts have been segmented by taking interventions as the basic unit of analysis at the monological level, and exchanges at the dialogical level (Briz 2000; Grupo Val.Es.Co. 2014; Pons 2022). Additionally, the superstructure of these interactions has been analyzed, focusing on sequences (Werlich 1975; Adam 1992; Roulet 1991) as the basic unit, in order to determine the text types that can be observed within the reference corpus.


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