Extraordinario 1 (2023) Volumen en memoria de José Portolés Lázaro

The cooperative principle in Quino, and the wheel of emotions by Robert Plutchik and Lindsay Braman

M.ª Azucena Penas Ibáñez
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Published December 19, 2023


pragmatics, cooperative principle, emotion, implicature, conversational maxim
How to Cite
Penas Ibáñez, M. A. (2023). The cooperative principle in Quino, and the wheel of emotions by Robert Plutchik and Lindsay Braman. Biblioteca De Babel: Revista De Filología Hispánica, (Extraordinario 1), 237–256. https://doi.org/10.15366/bibliotecababel2023.extra1.009


This work analyzes the principle of cooperation in a comic strip by Quino. It focuses on conversational maxims and submaxims, as on the types of conversational implicatures, and in cases where they are infringed/complied with. Two opposing levels are investigated: one, direct and literal, that of teacher-students, and another, indirect and additional, that of adults-children. Both levels are replicated in the polyphonic artifice of the double addressee/issuer, as well as in that of misunderstanding. Regarding the emotional component that is conveyed in Quino’s cartoons as a reinforcing or attenuating element of the speech act, the use of Robert Plutchik and Lindsay Braman’s wheel of emotions allows us to visualize the emotions of the main characters and the corresponding physical signs.


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