Vol. 4 (2023)

Why are there (complex) words in a dictionary?

Antonio Fábregas
Universidad de Tromsø
Published March 27, 2023


morphological derivation, parasynthetic verbs, dictionaries, norm, relations between morphology and syntax, constructionism
How to Cite
Fábregas, A. (2023). Why are there (complex) words in a dictionary?. Biblioteca De Babel: Revista De Filología Hispánica, 4, 9–37. https://doi.org/10.15366/bibliotecababel2023.4.001


An apparent difficulty faced by any system that proposes generative operations to account for word formation rules is the fact that dictionaries must frequently include some complex words even when they lack an idiosyncratic value. This article argues that the problem disolves when one takes seriously two grammatical facts: selection is done by a head to its complemente, not vice versa, so the same base can in principle combine with several suffixes, and conceptual meaning is not expressed through generative procedures, so that this aspect must be memorised.


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