Vol. 3 (2022)

Guilt and estrangement in Francisco Ayala’s El Tajo

Guillermo Millán Arana
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Published April 22, 2022


Francisco Ayala, short story, Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), forms of guilt, estrangement
How to Cite
Millán Arana, G. (2022). Guilt and estrangement in Francisco Ayala’s El Tajo. Biblioteca De Babel: Revista De Filología Hispánica, 3, 97–123. https://doi.org/10.15366/bibliotecababel2022.3.003


Francisco Ayala’s El Tajo presents the internal struggle of Pedro Santolalla, a lieutenant of the Nationalist faction during the Spanish Civil War, due to the involuntary killing of the Republican miliciano Anastasio López Rubielos. It is the only short stories of the collection La cabeza del cordero that dissociates the narrative instance from the fix perspective of the protagonist, presenting his complex and contradictory psychoaffective process. Thematically, this article discusses the ambivalent relationship between the protagonist’s remembrance of the killing and his persistent feeling of guilt, despite him resuming his life after the war with impunity. Because of the sociopolitical climate and his own doing, Santolalla is incapable of resolving this tension, which leads to his estrangement from his environment as well as from himself.


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