No. 23 (2020): Monográfico: Migraciones y fronteras de la justicia

Our people first? Controlled border opening and moderate cosmopolitanism

Federico Arcos Ramírez
Universidad de Almería
Portada del número 23 de Bajo Palabra
Published November 16, 2020


borders, fellow citizens, priority of compatriot, global justice, human rights, basic needs, open borders
How to Cite
Arcos Ramírez, F. (2020). Our people first? Controlled border opening and moderate cosmopolitanism. Bajo Palabra, (23), 73–100.


A recurrent argument in the theses of those who advocate for maintaining the current model of closed borders is the one known as favoritism or priority of fellow citizens. According to this argument, States would be entitled to control and limit the entry of foreigners into its territory because, otherwise, could not maintain a socioeconomic system that requires special attention to the needs of its less advantaged members. This article develops a critique of this argument without denying the practical conflict between the patriotic loyalties and global distributive responsibilities analyzing whether these are strong enough to withstand the weight of the intrinsic value of all human beings and their most basic and urgent needs.


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