No. 28 (2021): Subjects, persons and individuals: studies about individuality

The generational dimension in the constitution of individual character: Is it possible to speak of a generational habitus?

Jorge Costa Delgado
Universidad de Alcalá
Published December 27, 2021


Generations, Social classes, Habitus, Epistemology of social sciences, Bourdieu, Mannheim
How to Cite
Costa Delgado, J. . (2021). The generational dimension in the constitution of individual character: Is it possible to speak of a generational habitus?. Bajo Palabra, (28), 135–153.


This article addresses a specific aspect in the configuration of the habitus,
asking whether it is possible to identify
a generational dimension in it. To this
end, I will first comment on the main
epistemological problems posed by the
use of the concept of generation. Subsequently, I will compare them with similar difficulties in the use of the concept
of social class, whose association with the
habitus is fully recognized. At the end of
the article I will present, based on Mauger and Mannheim’s works, a proposal
of a theoretical integration for the use of
the concept of generation, with which I
argue that it is possible to speak of a habitus of generation.


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