Mercedarian Iconograhy Questions in madrilenian Paintings by José Jiménez Donoso, Alonso del Arco, Matías de Irala and Antonio González Ruiz
Religious Iconography, Ordre of Mercy, Religious Painting, Spanish School, Madrid, 17th Century, 18thCenturyCopyright (c) 2015 Anuario del Departamento de Historia y Teoría del Arte
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This work studies a series of unknown paintings from Madrid-born artists from the XVII and XVIII centuries, who have a common interest in portraying topics related to the Ordre of Mercy. Each one of them shows different problems, and through its analysis, several hypothesis arise regarding the reasons of their creation as well as of their possible purposes. We are talking about a drawing from Jose Jiménez Donoso (New York, The Hispanic Society) which iconography identifies itself with that of San Pedro Pascual; a series of saints which founded the Ordre of Mercy and the holy sister, work of Alonso del Arco, which decorate the high choir of the MM. Mercedarias de Don Juan de Alarcón de Madrid; a complex drawing of fray Matías de Irala (private collection), and a beautiful painting of the "Virgin of Mercy" done by Antonio Gonzalez Ruiz (Autol, La Rioja, Parish of San Adrian y Santa Natalia), of which there exists a drawing in circulation and your print. In all of the above, there are their own particular and general queries, them been referenced fundamentally on the creation, exaltation, and particularly the worship to the cult of the holly mercedarian of the Baroque Spain.