No. 7 (2023)

Peirce’s ground and pragmatic imagination to the opening of modalities in the construction and explanation of the world models.

Raquel Martínez Ballestrín
Universidad de Alicante
Published December 22, 2023


Narrative modalities, ground, Doležel, world model, pragmatics, analogy
How to Cite
Martínez Ballestrín, R. (2023). Peirce’s ground and pragmatic imagination to the opening of modalities in the construction and explanation of the world models. ACTIO NOVA: Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (7), 148–173.


The modal proposal that Doležel (1999) exposes for the analysis of possible worlds of the literary text has the advantage of characterizing the existence of the fictional world from its performance and valuation in it. However, the immanentist tendency of the proposal obviates the pragmatics entities of author and reader from which the possible world is valued according to the effective reality in which they are located. Thus, we propose in this study an opening of the four modal operators towards their pragmatic dimension from the establishment of an analogy between the Peircean ground and the narrative modalities. This analogy shows that the semiotic accessibility between the fictive world and effective reality of author and reader establishes the assessment of verisimilitude that determines the characterization of the resulting world model.


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