No. 47 (2019): Espacios y Educación

A school’s operating culture in open learning spaces – An ethno-graphic study on moving to a new school building

Raija Kattilakoski
Published December 19, 2019


Learning landscape, Learning environment, Open learning space, Operating culture, Ethnography
How to Cite
Kattilakoski, R. (2019). A school’s operating culture in open learning spaces – An ethno-graphic study on moving to a new school building. Tarbiya, Revista De Investigación E Innovación Educativa, (47), 87–92.


The purpose of this ethnographic study was to describe and understand processes related to the formation of an operating culture when moving to new, open learning spaces. The study was carried out in a school where the personnel and pupils moved to new, open learning facilities at the beginning of the spring semester. The material was collected by observing one team  in learning facilities on ordinary school days over a period of five months. The team were interviewed five times as a group, and each supervisor was interviewed individually once. Based on the results of this study, moving to new learning facilities, combined with changes in the operating culture, was stressful for both the personnel and the management. Certain ideals were set for the use of the facilities as part of the official objectives and by the management. In the light of this study, a new operating culture was created through tensions in relation to ideals, as well as

through various experiments and the solutions arising from them. The personnel expected clearly expressed goals and their shared reflection from the management, as well as support with the adoption of the new facilities.


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