No. 9 (1995)

Reflections on Scientific-Didactic update in Geography

Antonio López Ontiveros
Dpto. de Geografía. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad de Córdoba
Published January 15, 1995


Geography, Curriculum, Instructional
How to Cite
López Ontiveros, A. (1995). Reflections on Scientific-Didactic update in Geography. Tarbiya, Revista De Investigación E Innovación Educativa, (9), 63–81. Retrieved from


From the beginning of the 70s, Geography has not been considered fundamental in the Secondary Education Curriculum for epistemological and institutional reasons. However, this subject is useful in order to provide a concept of space where many different factors are integrated, to understand Spain's unity and variety, to analise Europe and to become aware of the many changes the present world is undergoing. This project emphasizes why Geography is important from an instructional point of view: its deep cultural meaning, its ethic value towards space, its importance to understand the relation man-envirorunent and nature-society, its value as instruction and its ideal and changing purpose.


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