No. 22 (1999)

Open questions: giving usefulness to what was learned

Ángel Ezquerra Martínez
Profesor de Física y Química. IES Pablo Montesinos.
Rosa Romano Mendoza
Profesora de Matemáticas. IES Fernando Sagaseta
Published May 15, 1999


Educational experience, Classroom, Physics and chemistry, Mathematics, Secondary High-School, Compulsory and non-compulsory education, Daily reality, Useful, Open questions
How to Cite
Ezquerra Martínez, Ángel, & Romano Mendoza, R. (1999). Open questions: giving usefulness to what was learned. Tarbiya, Revista De Investigación E Innovación Educativa, (22), 73–79. Retrieved from


In this paper, we aim to show our conclusions as a result of an educational experience in the classroom working with students both in secondary compulsory and non-compulsory education, for the last three years. We have tried to bring the methods of the subjects 'Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics' closer to the students' daily reality.
For this reason, we suggest them to do quantitative measures of things which are closer to the students' life and experiences (OPEN QUESTIONS). In this way, these subjects are useful for them, because they feel they can apply what they have learnt.


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