No. 22 (1999)

Education of temporality in ESO and High School

Pablo Antonio Torres Bravo
IES Victoria Kent. Madrid
Published May 15, 1999


Temporality, Historical time, Teaching, History, Key concept, Curriculum
How to Cite
Torres Bravo, P. A. (1999). Education of temporality in ESO and High School. Tarbiya, Revista De Investigación E Innovación Educativa, (22), 19–36. Retrieved from


Regarding the precarious learning situation of the "temporal notions" in the compulsory and non-compulsory Secondary Education and starting from the premise that temporality is the main objective of historical knowledge, an epistemologic and didactic approximation to an open and interpretative concept of historical time must be made. It is proposed that temporal categories should be an essential part of the curriculum, not only as traditional procedural knowledge, but also as concepts. That is why the metaconcept components must be detached according to their quality as a historiographic construction as well as their learning difficulties, into three categories: chronology, periodisation and internal time. This last category may be subdivided into three temporal articulator levels with regard to its teaching-learning process.


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