No. 24 (2000)

The press as a didactic link between informative and educational reality

José A.q León
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Antonia Parras
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Published January 16, 2000


Press, Newspapers, Education, Meaningful learning, Syllabus, Secondary schools, The media
How to Cite
León, J. A., & Parras, A. (2000). The press as a didactic link between informative and educational reality. Tarbiya, Revista De Investigación E Innovación Educativa, (24), 51–68. Retrieved from


In this paper we tried to highlight the importance of press as a powerful tool when it is used in the class with didactic purposes. The press takes the outside world information into the classroom. It is a link between school and society. Therefore, it becomes an important source of motivation for the pupils. It increases their desire for knowledge, for better judgement, their desire to present ideas with fluid ity. In this paper we describe the media influence on everyday life. Lastly, some activities with newspapers in the class are proposed as well asan analysis to assess the level of achievement of these general educational objectives in Secondary School.


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