No. 7 (1994): Some reflections on access to the University

What luck to be a girl of Arts and to take the Selectivity exam at the Autonomous University! (Some statistical data about the Entrance Tests)

Mercedes Muñoz-Repiso Izaguirre
Centro de Investigación Documentación y Evaluación (C.I.D.E)
Published May 1, 1994


University entrance, Differences according to sex, Optional subjects
How to Cite
Muñoz-Repiso Izaguirre, M. (1994). What luck to be a girl of Arts and to take the Selectivity exam at the Autonomous University! (Some statistical data about the Entrance Tests). Tarbiya, Revista De Investigación E Innovación Educativa, (7), 61–67. Retrieved from


In this article we comment some data that help us understand the complexity of the University entrance exams in general, and also the results of the exams at the Autonomous University compared to those of the rest of the country and, in particular, compared to the results obtained by students in the rest of the Madrilian universities. We also compare the distribution and the results of both male and female students according to the different options chosen, and studying these data we come to the conclusion that the female students of Humanities at the Autonomous University obtain a percentage of pass grades significantly higher than the mean grade obtained by the students in general.


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MUÑOZ-REPISO , M.; MUÑOZ, F.; PALACIOS, C. y VALLE, J.M. (1991): Las calificaciones en las pruebas de aptitud para el acceso a la Universidad. Madrid. CIDE (MEC).

MUÑOZ-REPISO, M. (1990): Las calificaiones en las pruebas de acceso a la Universidad: diferencias de resultados según centro, opción y sexo. En La investigación educativa sobre la Universidad (Actas de las jornadas, 31 mayo-1 junio 1990). Madrid: CIDE (MEC).

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