No. 6 (1994)

Society, sociology and curriculum. Some reflections on the configuration of the curriculum in the society of the 1990s

José Luis Mora García
Departamento de Filosofía. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Published January 1, 1994


Education, Society, Culture, History, Ambivalence
How to Cite
Mora García, J. L. (1994). Society, sociology and curriculum. Some reflections on the configuration of the curriculum in the society of the 1990s. Tarbiya, Revista De Investigación E Innovación Educativa, (6), 47–61. Retrieved from


This article has two objectics. First, it's necessary to remember education has a social and ambivalent character known already by classic philosophers. Second, I pretend to analyse in short the Spanish Education for the last decades because we have to correct some hybrid characteristics of Spanish Culture by Education.


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