No. 50 (2022): Superando el bucle educativo: hacia la renovación didáctica en la lengua y la literatura y su relación con los nuevos entornos de aprendizaje

Digital reading and its concepts: an analytical proposal from Grounded Theory

Concepción López-Andrada
Universidad de Extremadura
Published December 21, 2022


Digital Reading, Qualitative methodology, Digital reading, Innovation
How to Cite
López-Andrada, C. (2022). Digital reading and its concepts: an analytical proposal from Grounded Theory. Tarbiya, Revista De Investigación E Innovación Educativa, (50), 149–161.


Digital reading is a growing phenomenon due to the vast amount of information available on the Internet and the ease of access offered by mobile devices and reading apps. This article examines the methodological approach and analytical development of Grounded Theory to investigate how university students experience and construct meanings through screen reading. Digital reading involves the use of information technology to access texts digitally and can have significant implications for the way individuals acquire and process information. This article presents a provisional proposal for research on reading in its broader definition. It is necessary to carry out research that allows for the analysis of digital reading from different contexts and objectives, specifically, this work analyzes and theoretically grounds the starting point of the emerging category instrumental reading in relation to the circulation of knowledge and the impact of digital reading on learning and the development of reading skills.


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